Cloud-Native DevOps

CCH04 Achieving SRE (Site Resiliency Engineering) with Azure


2:30pm - 3:45pm

Level: Advanced

Chris Ayers

Senior Site Reliability Engineer, AzRel team


We had Agile, Scrum, and DevOps to optimize how to run our data centers both on-premises and in public cloud. Are you ready for the next step, where it is not just about deploying and migrating workloads to cloud, but also running them in an efficient and healthy way. To do that, you need to have reliable tools and provide observability capabilities to your teams. Good news is that Azure offers all of that, and more. Learn in this session from Chris Ayers, Sr. Customer Engineer at Microsoft with a passion for DevOps and SRE - about the fundamentals of Site Resiliency Engineering, what tools Azure has to offer from the architecting phase all the way to observability and everything in between. And as usual in Chris' sessions, this will be more live demos than PowerPoint view time.

You will lean:

  • About Site Reliability Engineering
  • How to integrate SRE in your development cycle
  • How to integrate SRE practices on Azure