Modern App Development

MAW02 The Language of UX: Effectively Communicating Your Experience Across Multiple Platforms


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Jim Barrett

Senior UX Designer


Building a solid user experience for your application is key to engaging new users and maintaining current ones.  In the absence of a dedicated designer, some projects run the risk of being programmatically sound, but lacking in an experience that is relatable and optimized to the platform.  This can cause user adoption to decrease, and overall dissatisfaction with the product.  Luckily, the major platforms (Apple, Android, and Windows) have developed standards and practices for UI that you can apply to make sure you are giving your users the best experience possible.  A small section of this presentation will also be dedicated to conversational UI, for use in projects like AI and chat bots.

In this session, we will be taking a look at the three most popular design patterns: Material Design for Android, Apple's Design Guidelines for iOS, and UWP (Universal Windows Platform).

You will learn:

  • The biggest differences in each platforms approach to common UI elements (navigation, headers, transitions)
  • How to plan your user experience with the use of prototyping tools like Sketch, Balsamiq, or Adobe XD
  • About built-in shortcuts and add-ons for popular IDEs that will save you development time by automatically adhering to common design patterns