Developing New Experiences

VST12 Xamarin.Forms Takes You Places!


2:45pm - 4:00pm

Level: Introductory

Sam Basu

Developer Advocate


You've heard the buzz -- target every mobile platform from a single C#/XAML code base. Sounds too good to be true? The story is actually even better -- let's unpack the promise of Xamarin.Forms. The reach goes beyond just mobile platforms of iOS, Android and Windows -- did you know your Xamarin.Forms apps could target macOS, smart watches, smart TVs, refrigerators and HoloLens? And it's not just futuristic devices and platforms, you could take Xamarin.Forms goodness back to Windows Presentation Foundation and even the Web! This isn't utopia, but an absolute reality today. Let's dive into each platform and unearth the magic behind the cross-platform mobile development democratization for .NET developers.

You will learn:

  • The promise of Xamarin.Forms
  • About the reach of Xamarin.Form across platforms
  • How to share code across Web, desktop and mobile