Level: Introductory to Intermediate
Brian Alderman
Microsoft MVP, MCT
Consultant, Speaker, Author
SharePoint Server 2013 includes several content recovery options that give you more granular content recovery options. Using Central Administration or PowerShell, you can export site collections, site, libraries and list making it easier to backup; migrate, or archive content stored in SharePoint. SharePoint 2013 also give you the option of recovering site collections, sites, list and libraries from content databases that are no longer part of the SharePoint farm. You can also configure your content databases to take advantage of SQL Server High Availability (HA) options like mirroring, log shipping, and AlwaysOn that provide quick database recovery. With a vast majority of your SharePoint content stored in SQL Server, it's imperative that you have an efficient way to recover items or entire databases as quickly as possible. This session will introduce the Best Practices framework to let you configure SharePoint and SQL Server for quick content recovery minimizing the downtime and providing shorter yet achievable Service Level Agreements (SLA's).
You will learn:
- The tools available for SharePoint data recovery
- The different levels within SharePoint where data recovery can be performed
- How the tools work to help with the data recovery process