
TMT01 Your Approach to BYOD Sucks


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Simon May

Senior Program Manager


Most IT departments are wrestling with a BYOD project or implementation. The idea is to let people bring their own devices so they can be productive on those devices anywhere. Your company's top brass may or may not want you to let them do that, and it's certain your compliance auditors and regulators want to apply certain controls over personal devices. That's where you'll clash with your business users.

Many organizations approach BYOD as if they have a sense of entitlement over device ownership. Today's workforce—especially the younger workers—won't have it. They'll go elsewhere for work. And they won't enroll their device.

Learn why and how you can build the infrastructure to do what the top brass really want—make the organization productive—without sacrificing what the users really want. They want their device, their life, their way of working and their personal productivity.

You will learn:

  • How to manage devices (iOS, Android, Windows 10) with Microsoft Intune
  • How to manage Office Apps on iOS and Android
  • The tricks for getting BYOD right