Web Development

VSH13 Hate JavaScript? Try TypeScript.


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Intermediate

Ben Hoelting

Senior Technologist


Many C# developers hate JavaScript. This likely has nothing to do with JavaScript, but the lack of tooling and language features. .NET developers are spoiled by the top notch language and IDE features of Visual Studio. This session will discuss some of the tooling advancements in Visual Studio related to JavaScript development. TypeScript is a new language developed by the creators of C# that compiles to JavaScript. The last portion of this session will dive into TypeScript and discuss some of the language features it provides on top of normal JavaScript. Between the IDE enhancements in VS and the language features of TypeScript, you'll see JavaScript development isn't that bad.

You will learn:

  • New JavaScript IDE Features in VS
  • A definition of TypeScript
  • How to use VS and TypeScript to make JavaScript development bearable