SharePoint Office 365 and the Cloud, Workshops

SPM01 Workshop: Developer OnRamp to the Office 365 & Azure AD Highway!


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Andrew Connell

Andrew Connell


Consultant, Instructor, Developer, & Author

Andrew Connell Inc.

There's a lot to learn to get productive with the Office 365 APIs. This session will explore why you should care about the Office 365 APIs and what you can do with them. First, you'll discuss and explore how Azure AD works, how you can create custom applications and write code to authenticate to obtain an OAuth2 access token. Then you'll dive deep and see how we can use that access token to work with all the different Office 365 APIs the Discovery Service as well as how to use the Contacts, Calendar, Messages and Files APIs using the .NET SDK as well as the REST API. By the end of this workshop, you'll have loads of code snippets and sample projects that you can use as a starting point to get going and build your own applications that leverage the Office 365 APIs!